| A room of wonder | Rio

A room of wonder is a performing museum project that departs from the literal but torn meaning behind the word biography: a life that writes. Writing as related to tracing, to registering, to framing; biography as related to accumulation, collection of moments, images, and sensations.

Thinking about ways of saving one’s memory in this subtle struggle against disappearance, and at the same time involved in a private reflection on an artist’s ability to leave traces that can be experienced by other people, I came across the cabinets of curiosities, also called wunderkammer. These wonder rooms were private collections during the Renaissance, individual portrayals of the vastness and sublime of the world in a room. A devotional place, with no apparent rational categorization, but where the display was meant to produce wonder, to incite one’s own imaginative recollection of the world.

On our present days, the museums have become the guardians of mankind’s common history, where the categorizations have gained the force of the absolutes, however, the desire of making one’s own inventory of the world, one’s own collection of wonders, hasn’t abandoned us. Visible in the endless quantities of blogs and in the proliferation of virtual social networks, more than ever, the force of the inventory continues to attract individuals.

A room of wonder | rio takes inspiration in these wonder rooms and invites this group of artists to the adventure of creating a performative collection of wonders and its translation and insertion in real time in an exhibition room for common share, with no limit of the medias used. A collection of their artistic trajectories, of their daily lives, of their belonging to different histories of the performing arts, of their imaginaries and of their time. A collection of men and women, dancers, choreographers, performers, actors, ordinary people, working collaboratively, sharing tools and knowledge for the creation of one room of wonders.

Video links:

Partial sequence of visitation of the collection

The same way I stop to hear to my heart beat (1), by António Pedro Lopes

The same way I stop to hear my heart beat (2), by António Pedro Lopes

Isso de dizer exatamente o que se quer, ainda vai te levar além, by Lucas Bueno

Eu me visto de alegria, by Dyonne Boy

Porta-voz, by Marcela Levi.

VENTO, by Lucía Russo.

Mirão, by Gustavo Ciríaco.

O Aqui, o Agora e o Antes, by Ignacio Aldunate.

Lapso, by Milena Codeço.

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Largo das Artes, Rio de Janeiro

Opening: 16 Maio 2013, Rio de Janeiro.
Exposition Tue-Sat  2 p.m. – 6 p.m. Until June 6th 2013.

Conception|  Artistic direction  : Gustavo Ciríaco

Guest artists :
António Pedro Lopes (performance maker, performer and singer)
Dyonne Boy (dancer, performer and cultural manager)
Gustavo Ciríaco (choreographer, performer and artist)
Ignacio Aldunate (actor and dancer)
Lucía Russo (dancer, choreographer and cultural manager)
Lucas Bueno (actor and performer)
Marcela Levi (choreographer and dancer)
Milena Codeço (dancer)

Collaborators : Marta Bernardes (poetry), Pedro Rivera (architecture)

Invited performers  : Isabel Martins and Leo Nabuco

Set design & expography : Pedro Rivera

Costumes : Paula Stroher

Lightning design : Tabatta Martins

Light set up : T2 produção técnica (Tábatta Martins e Thierry Brito)

Photography : Paula Kossatz

Graphic design : Tatiana Altberg & Tatiana Podlubny

Communication : LEAD Comunicações

Exposition set up : Eric Dini Nielsen

Sound designer : Luciano Siqueira

Executive production and Administration : Marta Vieira and Projéteis

Production assistance : Chayanna Ferreira

Support: Largo das Artes | Casa da Glória | T2 Produção Técnica

Realization: Projéteis – Cooperativa Carioca de empreendedores culturais

Sponsors :
FADA – Fundo Municipal para a Dança Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro | Secretaria Municipal de Cultura do Rio de Janeiro

Paula Kossatz and Gustavo Ciríaco