Maria José de Figueiredo Ciríaco (Rio de Janeiro, 1939). Poet, troubadour, bus writer, educator, performer, Red Cross volunteer, penfriend of renowned Brazilian poet Carlos Drummond and Araguaia Bishop, Maria José had a prolific artistic production where life met art in a multiform, multi-voice poetics.  Dwelling beetwen a free concretist art, oral and written poetry, her works go from performance, drawing and its theory, to oral poems, children songs and even to photography and conceptual recreation. Her art, as she defined it herself is DETER-GENTE (retaining-people).

Maria & José, the Queen of the Good-Echoes, is a visiting card collection of her first individual to be realized in Rio de Janeiro.

Video links: HERE  and AQUI.

Curation : Gustavo Ciríaco


Gustavo Ciríaco