Ava Gardner, in a film set in the jungles of Borneo, commented with a technician: Here the light is so bright and over there it‘s so dark that I feel half blind, half an eagle. I see two worlds that barely touch each other, like dark oil in the water (…) We are strange beings. Animated shadows. We carry along with us the darkness of the day, the possibility of the night, of the dream.

In what we see, there’s always something more visible and something, though hidden, that seems to reveal itself little by little. Think of  a liquid that runs on the floor and draws, as it advances, the paths of our attention. In this movement, what happens and what is perceived depends on the force of present that a detail can provoke. A slide, an overflow of sense, state and place.

Setting dislocations, crossings, groupings, isolations to burst the seam of the senses. In the carnival of operations, the earth turns upside down and the ground in its unstability becomes a sky with no bottom or end. There becomes here, and the they unavoidably turns to us, smiling on a shining mirror and offering an invitation to unveil the construction of the traces.

They shall see is set in borders, between what remains and what passes: the presence. Between presented fiction and constructed reality: the scene. Between an erasing darkness and a revealing clarity: a theater.

Première Panorama Festival / November 2010

Festival de João Pessoa, November 2010

Festival Diagnóstico da Dança, Goiânia, November 2010

SESC Consolação, São Paulo, April 2011

Working in progress 

Escola Angel Vianna,  Rio de Janeiro, October 2010

Centro de Artes da Maré,  Rio de Janeiro, October 2010

Faculdade de Dança, UniverCidade, October,  Rio de Janeiro, October 2010

Departamento de Artes Cênicas, Uni-Rio | UFRJ, October,  Rio de Janeiro, October 2010

Conception & Direction Gustavo Ciríaco

Co-direction Lucía Russo

Creation António Pedro Lopes, Dyonne Boy, Francini Barros, Gustavo Ciríaco, Ignacio Aldunate, Lucas Bueno, Lucia Russo and Milena Codeço

Artistic assistency and collaboration António Pedro Lopes

Sound track Rodrigo Marçal

Lightning design Andrea Capella

Light counsultancy  and execution Tabata Martins

Set design Mayra Sérgio (initial project) e Luiza Paes (final project)

Production and  administration Marta Vieira

Partnership and support Casa da Glória | Fomenta Produções | Escola Angel Vianna | Centro de Artes da Maré | UniverCidade | Uni-Rio | UFRJ


They shall see has been funded by Programa Rumos Itaú Cultural Dança 2009/10 and Klauss Vianna 2009 Dance Awards, promoted by Funarte (National Foundation for the Arts).


Andrea Capella

Paula Kossatz