There are signals. There are rumours. The indians say one day the sky shall fall.

Those who walk on the ground, who climb trees, who bear wings, who dwell in the water, thus the Amazon tribes describe the peoples of the forest. At the beginning of times, everyone was human: the jaguars, the parrots, the tapirs, the wild pigs, the pirarucu fishes. Afterwards, they turned into something else and became prey. Nevertheless, for them, we are all animals. We are the prey who lives in houses. (Eduardo Viveiros de Castro)

Ignorant, alienated, innocent, angry, desperate, coward, melancholic, euphoric, childish, lost in warm happiness, men and women follow their destinies at the heart of a turning world. Under the fortune’s wheel that elevates, seduces and cast us away, we have all the same ground under our feet. Man runs into the landscape and the landscape runs into man amidst a falling zenith.

In a collapsing world, tragedies pile up, flood and challenge our luck. Heroes emerge nameless, swiftly as shooting stars in the dark. Fast, intense, their dramas render us more human, more vulnerable in our proximity to what is commonly lived. Through their dramas, we live a possible future. Through compassion, our eventual destiny.

Those who walk on the ground, who climb trees, who bear wings proposes us to rethink tragedy in a diorama. Commonly present in museums of natural sciences, dioramas merge view and atmosphere in realist reproductions of landscapes. In its origin, the term means through what is seen, a view. Through them, we dive into frozen times of an animal in its habitat. The museum of natural sciences visits the tragic, glides into comedy and builds up fictions creating views for a mutating panorama, a falling world, experienced by what distance preserves, underlines and makes vanish.

Premièred at Galpão das Artes, Espaço Tom Jobim, Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro, on November 15th, 2014. Associated project to Panorama Festival.

Those who walk… is a project funded by OI Futuro and Secretaria de Estado de Cultura do Rio de Janeiro – SEC.

The project was in residency at:

Barracão Maravilha. Sept. to Nov 2014, Rio de Janeiro.

PAR – Programa Artistas en Residencia in partnership with Casa Rodante and Festival Internacional de Danza de Montevideo. 2 April- 11 May, 2014.

Conception and direction Gustavo Ciríaco

Direction assistance Priscila Maia

Performers and collaborators António Pedro Lopes, Fred Araújo, Isabel Martins, Leo Nabuco, Luciana Fróes, Priscila Maia and Tiago Cadete

Set design Dina Salem Levy and Pedro Rivera

Light design Tomás Ribas

Light operation Hermes Ericeira

Costumes Paula Stroher

Photos Paula Kossatz

Video Leo Nabuco

Cameramen Joaquim Castro and Andre Mantelli

Production direction Anna Ladeira

Production assistance Gabrielle Barbosa and Arantxa Cianfrino

Administration Curto-Circuito Produções


Next dates

Festival Arte como Respiro, promoted by Instituto Itaú Cultural. September 4-5, São Paulo. Online access for 24h from 8 p.m. on (Brasília´s time): HERE.

Previous dates

Dança Gamboa, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. October 10th & 11th, 2015.

SESC Belenzinho, São Paulo, Brazil. October 16t, 17th and 18th, 2015.

Photos by:

Gustavo Ciríaco

Paula Kossatz

Diana Sandes