Still – sob o estado das coisas

There is an initial universe of reference: Still life. Objects taken from daily life, ordinary in appearance and existence, holders of realities, framers of situations, promoters and activators of presences, ephemeral symbols of one’s life and moments. Two terms making one: Still and Life.

Still as pause, silence, rest, or something which doesn’t exist yet, but which is about to happen, to gain existence. A certain ambiguity between what is actually happening and what is in pause, between flow of real time and time in suspension. When photography was its earlier times, a photographer, when about to take a picture, would yell: Still! And the people would hold their breath for this short pause of seconds until the image, its light, was finally printed upon the paper. An extended instant.

In an immersive ambiance inhabited by images, movements and texts, Still – sob o estado das coisas takes the public for a kaleidoscopic journey though what one selects as the holders of one’s reality, one’s feeling of belonging to one specific time and space. A trip through sensorial and imagetic situations, where performer and spectators witness each other as they advance together in a common present. Inspired in the ways contemporary media has been spanning our understanding of real and virtual situations, Still works as this still life made of ordinary bodies, objects and words.

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A multimedia project by Gustavo Ciríaco in collaboration with the Norwegian architect and set designer Anniken Romuld, Still – sob o estado das coisas. Première in April 2007 at  SESC Av. Paulista, in São Paulo. APCA Prize (São Paulo Art Critic Association) for the best conception in dance and one of the nominees for the best dance show of the year by Bravo! Awards (2007).

Première : Teatro SESC Avenida Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil. March 2007.

Espaço Cultural Sérgio Porto, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. May 2009.

Festival Internacional de Dança de Recife.  Recife, Brazil. October  2008.

Panorama Festival,  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. November 2008.

In-Transit Festival, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany, June 2008.

Bienal de Danza de Havana,  Havana, Cuba, April 2008.

Conception Gustavo Ciríaco

Set design and artistic collaboration Anniken Romuld

Perfomance  & co-creation Francini Barros, Gustavo Ciríaco, Ignacio Aldunate and Milena Codeço

Direction assistance Milena Codeço

Video images Ignacio Aldunate e Gustavo Ciríaco

Light Design José Geraldo Furtado

Original soundtrack Lucas Marcier e Rodrigo Marçal (Arpx), Joachim Froystein and Juruna Mallon

Photos Paula Kossatz

Subvention SESC São Paulo / Funarte / Petrobras

Support Centro Coreográfico do Rio de Janeiro | Norwegian Foreign Affairs Department   | 70oN –  Architecture Bureau (Tromsö/Norway) | Casa da Glória (Rio)

Paula Kossatz